Saturday 21 March 2015

Spring Marching On

Yesterday I went somewhere new in Lincolnshire one of the few remnants of northern lowland heath left in this largely agricultural county. Anyway it proved hard work finding adders, often these isolated populations dwindle over time. I did see my first Slow Worm of the year, a male warming up amongst leaves, also seen were quite a few common lizards.

 male adder skulking

 female lizard
 male lizard
 another male
male  slow worm hiding
A few birds are moving back up onto the uplands and I caught up with a long staying Great Grey Shrike which apparently has been seen killing a snipe.

 Great Grey Shrike
 Grey Wagtail
 Palmate Newt

 Song Thrush


  1. seems like you had a good day out in Lincs carl,nice array of species too!

  2. Great shrike lad! Although it takes the fun out of it when you're not driving up and down the same road giving off explosive abuse to other road users who aren't trying to photograph shrikes.
