Monday 23 November 2015

Goosanders and other winter birds.

It's a bit weird but easy to explain but the best place for Goosanders in winter is my local park, a busy park in urban Sheffield. The reason is simple, easy fishing. The pond is relatively small and the goosanders tend to hang about under the trees near the island and then venture out when the coast is clear. Although over time they get less shy allowing some fairly close photographs that simply wouldn't be possible on larger bodies of water. This week I counted 8 females and 6 males.

 2 females (redheads)
 2 males
 Male and female Goosanders
 Male and Female
 Male showing serrated beak
Snorkelling Male
 Barn Owl
  Black Headed Gull (Sub adult winter plumage)
 Black Headed Gull (Adult winter plumage)
 Male Gadwall
 Female Gadwall
Male Pintail


  1. Nice work Carl,have a few Goosanders that drop onto a small pond near to me,but are well flighty.

    Gonna have to work at it to achieve a few decent images of these shy birds!

  2. Cheers Paul, I think well visited urban spots are the best spots to get any chance of a decent photo.
