Friday 21 February 2014

First Herps of the Year

The season has started fairly early this year. Last night there were a few Palmate Newts on the move along with a Common Frog. Today in less than ideal conditions (cold wind but sunny) there was a single Adder braving the cold (Alan Heeley and Mike Breedon had another and Alan had the earliest on Wednesday). I'm off to Cyprus Sunday with the chance of the Big Daddy of Mediterranean Vipers the Blunt Nosed although it might be a little early still.

All photos © Carl Corbidge

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carl,

    Your site is full of fantastic photos. I know it is not sensible to discuss adder locations on a public forum, but I am hoping you could give me some advice: I'm visiting a friend in Sheffield in the coming weeks, and I would love to get out and see some Yorkshire adders for the first time. Any advice you may have on where is good to observe adders locally would be greatly appreciated.

    I understand you will not want to disclose any information on a public post, so if you would be willing to offer any pointers, my email address is . Any advice would be greatly appreciated,and I can provide you with more information on myself if you are concerned for the safety of the adder sites.

